Sep 2, 2010

Gentle Care

Theme :Care

Word of the day: Gentle / 关怀

The meeting started off with a robust welcome greeting and narration of the amount of care that is put into the basic foundation of Toastmasters International by Ralph C. Smeldley from CC Shirley Cheok (yours truly) the toastmaster/mistress of the evening.

The evening kicked off with an interesting play of table topic, TM Mary Sai asked participants to relate the table topics to the Past, Present and Future. TM Michael Wong, CC Derric, TM Ming Yen, CC Shirley Cheok and guest Angie Ng participated in the table topics speaking of the cuff.

The meeting then continued with an inspiring evaluation workshop by DTM Soh Fong Wai, who taught us about the acronym C.A.R.E also stands for Content, Attention, Retention and Emotion/Expression.

DTM Soh Fong Wai used the table topic speakers’ respective speeches as a platform for the entire floor to understand and apply the C.A.R.E format for the upcoming evaluation speech contest.

The prepared speech of the day started beautifully by TM Esther Ji Lee Yun with her ice-breaking speech 有关于我”. She detailed her life challenges from when she was but a child till the day that she is present standing here today. It was moving to hear the difficulties faced by families during the olden days.

TM Esther Ji Lee Yun with her Icebreaker speech blue ribbon

TM Lee Jin Fang, was adorable with her 3rd assignment speech which was 笑一笑.

She described to us, how a smile can make a vast difference to the environment around her. It was definitely a gentle reminder to the rest of us that a smile definitely makes the world a better place to be in compared to a frown.

TM Ng Kim Choo with her title My Special Trip’ brought imagination to the table when she described about her experience with Club Med Cherating. She also continuously inspire us through her perseverance that despite hardships and putdowns we can always move up from wherever we are if we look for hard enough and move gradually towards our goals.

All of us came together to wish farewell to Niessah who will be continuing her chosen life’s journey in the greener pastures of Australia. ~Where kangaroo and koala bears are symbol of prosperity~. Everyone bid her farewell and wish her good winds in her sails and also entrust her to share and continue walking the Toastmasters journey even in Australia.

So Niessah! You had better remember us! Because you see how much we CARE for you and because you’re in this post! :P

Blogpost brought to you by :-

Shirley Cheok Hui Wan, CC

1 comment:

Jen said...

wow.. Shirley. Well done.
I like today "Gentle Care ".