Aug 29, 2012

 SAA - Catherine Lim TM

Welcome address - The President David Siew CC

Toastmaster of the Evening - Tok Lee Choo TM

Table Topic Master - Foo Mei Lee, CC

Toastmasters and some guests are listening to a speech very sincerely.

Having some fun and enjoying the refreshment.

Bey Shuw Chyi is delivering her second speech for the first time in KBTC .

Michael Wong, CC is delivering his speech from his Advanced manual .

David Siew, CC is delivering his speech from his Advanced manual .

Best Table Topic Speaker - Ken

Best Evaluator - Janet Fernandez, ACB CL

The General Evaluator - Mike

Best Speaker - David Siew, CC

Distinguished club award presented to the Former and current presidents by the area governor 

The Guests

Newly formed Exco committee.

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