Sep 30, 2010

Speechcraft (Bilingual) 2010

Speechcraft Program

Do you feel nervous when speaking to a group of people, particularly if they are strangers?

Klang Bilingual Toastmasters Club (KBTC), a non-profit voluntary organization is bringing to you a program on how to become a successful and confident communicator - Joint SPEECHCRAFT

This is a program designed to coach your public speaking skills. It will be conducted in a series of sessions, which includes training in speaking, listening, thinking, evaluating and leadership.

Who Should Attend?

Open to all interested persons from age 18 and above. This program is limited to maximum of 15 participants.
The purpose is to focus on individual performance with closer personal attention throughout the program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

saw this sign (banner) near grace hall in klang.

are you guys allow to advertise?